Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy New Year

Well after all my wonderful celebrations the bug got me. Normally I am a vegetarian and so I avoid this kind of bug. Whenever I am ill my meat eating friends say what you need is a good steak. So on New Years Eve that's just what I had. The result being that I have been laid out for two weeks first of all with the runs and the mother and father of all head aches followed by days of such feabileness I could barely stand. That will teach me to beak my principles.
I am almost back to normal and have kept my tree planting resolution by paying someone else to keep me up to quota. I now have to keep my til now unwritten resolution to write at least one hour a day.
I switched on the radio last week to hear a writer on dessert Island Discs saying '-- 10 hours a day sometimes 10 hours a day. My problem is that I have difficulty stopping.' Well bully for him. So ona hour seems very little and yet so hard to achieve!!
Time has beatten me again!


At 10:44 am, Blogger Meg McKenzie Brookes said...

Either I am repeating myself or I have just lost the comment. So even 10 minutes of writing a day is an achievement Victoria - so keep writing Freda Wild. hope to see you this month.


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