Saturday, July 08, 2006

Exercise and Fun

Yesterday I decided that my writing muscle had, had enough exercise for the day but the rest of my muscles needed exercising so I went for a swim. It is wonderful to be able to swim up and down an almost empty pool in any season and then jump into a hot jacussi to relax before driving home on empty roads.
The garden looks very drab and sad this morning after a night of much needed rain.
Sunday promises to be a full day of fun. The Tour de France is due to pass through the next village, 2kms away. They have organised car boot, food stalls and a ball ( that's dancing). There is also the annual music festival at Bobital, 20 kms away, not to be missed and of course the cup final which is going to be shown on a big screen in the town's cinema 8kms away.
I'm not really a fan of football but I have to watch the final of a world cup match in which the country where I live are finalists.


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